When you think about self-care, you usually think about exercising, eating healthy, and managing stress. But have you ever thought about taking care of what’s down there? Yes, vaginal health also matters, and here are five tips that will help you take care of it better:
Wash it Carefully
You might not know this, but washing your vagina isn’t just about using soap and water. Since it’s more sensitive than other body parts, you need to use warm water and a gentle soap. You should also use your fingers to wash your vagina instead of a washcloth that could irritate it. Never wash inside your vagina to avoid disturbing its pH levels and also never use any scrubs, soaps, or douches that could bring infections.
Choose the Right Clothing
Yes, it’s important to choose the right clothes to keep your vagina in good health. Start with wearing cotton underwear that will allow your vagina to breathe throughout the day and not hold moisture that could cause those ugly smells. You should also avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and change your underwear and clothes daily.
Shave if You’re Comfortable with It
Pubic hair isn’t just any other hair on your body. It’s there to protect your vagina from viruses and bacteria and offers that extra cushion that keeps friction from irritating your skin during sex. Now the choice to shave or not is completely up to your preferences.

But if you choose to shave, make sure to do it properly or yet get a wax from a professional to avoid any irritations or wounds on your skin. Never use a hair removal cream since it contains harsh chemicals that can cause rashes and even burns on your vulva.
Practice a Healthy Diet
Eating right is beneficial to your entire body, including your vagina. For one, keeping yourself well-hydrated throughout the day can protect your vagina from bacterial growth. Consuming probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt also helps to prevent vaginal odour and keep yeast infections at bay.
Use the Right Intimate Products
Whether you’re having personal intimate time or doing it with someone, make sure that you use only the best products for your vagina. For starters, invest only in the best vibrators in Australia that are made from high-quality materials that don’t cause any irritations or infections.

You should also avoid lubricants that contain dyes, parabens, petroleum products, and non-natural oils because they can easily disrupt your vagina’s pH levels. If your partner is using a condom, make sure that it doesn’t contain any spermicides that can lead to infection and upset your vagina’s pH balance.
Finally, make sure to have yourself checked with your OB-GYN regularly and especially if you’re experiencing problems down there. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple rash or some serious pain. Having yourself checked by a professional will allow for early diagnosis and proper treatment, so you won’t have to suffer from serious medical conditions in the long run.